понедельник, 27 января 2020 г.


Spanish thanks to NeSuKuN Italian thanks to EmBoLo Korean thanks to oblisk Danish thanks to mulrich and jfs Hungarian thanks to Yuri Style editor now uses a dropdown for the encoding field, with encoding names taken straight from wingdi. Hide search and browse box. Also, the license is a complete mystery. This software is very nice and deserves to work right. This is the version history page for Aegisub, showing the last 20 software updates. Intel 64 Mac OS X Jan 13, Download s: aegisub 2.1.8

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Where should be the 3 vertical lines of the sliders, there are just the 3 round dots.

Other buttons don't show if pressed or not. It now also works on X11 and Mac. The "make adjacent" threshold now has the end of the range be inclusive Translation Assistant: Double clicking a row will jump video to it, regardless of auto go to option.

Aegisub - Should I Remove It?

AMZ Audio timing will now apply to all selected lines, as well as active line. Review by Eneas on Jul 22, Version: Win95 Ease of use: It works only on bit Mac OS.

aegisub 2.1.8

You can return to the main page for this software by clicking here. On Mac, added an option in the Help menu to open a folder with example files and other goodies. AMZ Separated keyframe thresholds on the timing post-processor in start aeggisub end.

AMZ Fixed linked commit of times, so it will only commit both times if the other was changed to prevent damage when editing multiple lines. Pomyk Scrollbar and sliders in audio box can no longer receive focus.

aegisub 2.1.8

AMZ Implemented sorting of subtitles by start time. If you have any issues, just switch back to Avisynth in options.

Review by Xplainer on Jun 12, Version: The append operation for the subtitle object now intelligently appends dialogue lines to the end of the Events section instead of absolute end of file, solving issues with appending dialogue after attachments Automation: This software is very nice and deserves to work right.

Spanish thanks to NeSuKuN Italian thanks aeegisub EmBoLo Korean thanks to oblisk Danish thanks to mulrich and jfs Hungarian thanks to Yuri Style editor now uses a dropdown for the encoding field, with encoding names taken straight from wingdi. Therefore, a major failing that makes this unusable at the moment. Fixed minor bugs with opening a new video without closing an already open one Video display: AMZ Fixed some bugs related to inserting overrides via the buttons over the edit box.

AMZ Fixed the toolbar "grey area" glitch was actually a wxWidgets issue. Aegisug compilation settings to make the Windows binaries smaller without sacrificing speed or functionality General: You now get an appropriate message when no dictionaries are installed and you try to spell check Style Manager: No installation is required.

Pomyk Select lines dialog now has an option on how to deal with comment lines.

The Portable Freeware Collection Forums

Jan 30, Download s: This release will hopefully fix all of those issues. Might be a little faster when displaying keyframe markers pink lines Audio: AMZ Added a simple audio resync method for video playback.

AMZ Timeline is now drawn below audio display. Subtitle timing guide - Read Aegisub video tutorials View all guides with guide description here. When closing the Attachments dialogue, any empty attachment sections are cleaned up from the file Audio: Overview Aegisub is a free, cross-platform open source tool for creating and modifying subtitles. Nov 23, Fixed a bug in audio display that caused it not wegisub update properly introduced on 2.

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